Love and Trust
I have walked through several situations the last few months which have pushed me deeper into my self-awareness and understanding more so than I have ever known. These moments have caused me to withdraw from social interaction, family, friends and my creative nature. However, this is not a negative thing. It is actually quite the opposite for I have gained clarity and peace once again. By being put in a new place, a deeper place, it was important to find the silence. To be able to disconnect and take me away into my sanctuary. It is a place I visualize within, a safe haven sealed away where I can mentally, emotionally and spiritually walk into and seal the door closed. In this place, I can dissect myself by looking in from the outside. This is where I have been, and I have come to a deeper realization of a strict structuring which no longer serves me. A new understanding which frees me from self-criticism, angst, and self-doubt. I have f...