
Blissfully, softly deep in the woods the silence begins to move
Winds through the leaves, across the ancient boughs of trees
Feet into the earth she stands, communes, connects and breathes
Unseen fingers caress her form, lifting her hair to dance in the light
Healing resides within this place, thresholds revealed across space
All are connected, the light and the dark, each to leave their mark
Tears show the torment of a rended soul, her soft spirit now cold
Understanding gained, absorbing the pain brings growth not shame
Strength from below and grace from above, a soul destined for love
Casting away darkness, choosing to fight and bring forth her light
One, two, three, four and five the circle is formed and set to guard
What has been done, karma released, now sealed within time's space
Heart was pure, no stain within its core, torn, crushed upon the floor
  Raising her hands in prayer, speaking her truth to the darkening sky
Moonlight covers, a sweet embrace, no shadow to turn in her space
Remembering her cause of love and light, saying a prayer for sight
Divine revealing deep truths unseen, trails of destiny not traversed
Renewed hope, she lays down her weapons and stories told within
Peace falls upon her shoulders, a blanket of protection and grace
Hidden within portals of time, a reaping for those who were unkind
No mercy nor grace to fall upon their face, dark hearts have no place
Vengeance is forever mine He said to her, leave this and be in peace
Shine bright, be the light, a healing and let your love be released
Planting her feet to the ground, no more darkness within her found
Heart thrown wide as were her arms, joy again marked her crown
Ancient winds whispered to her heart and again wisdom was found


Source - Unknown


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