
We are conduits. Channeling into the Earth, other people, animals and everything around us. Did you know because we are conduits we can choose to channel either blessings or curses? Positive or negative. Thought is cause. Thoughts give the energy form, focus, power, and direction. We are meant to be a blessing to others. That which is channeled into our lives as a blessing is meant to be channeled out to others. Many stop the blessings being channeled into their lives because they choose to become curses instead. When we cling to the negative it is negative we create. Have you ever been somewhere and 'feel' pockets of negativity? Everyone in the area seems to feed off of each other? They all complain about the same things, are filled with anger, jealousy, rage and all the negative things you can think of. Like attracts like. We all vibrate with energy. So it stands to reason what you project through thought,...