My Way Home

Do you know your way
Can you remember the signs
Feelings and thoughts sometimes sublime
Passing days 
Passing years
Sometimes joy and sometimes tears
Just glad you were here
That I wasn't alone
Each day I tried to find my way home
Small towns and big towns
Roads that never ended
There were times I gave up
Sat and cried in the corner
Then you called, made me laugh
Reminding me there was purpose in the pain
You said there would be sun but also rain
You asked me the question and I've never forgot
Do you know your way
Can you remember the signs
Feelings and thoughts sometimes sublime
Passing days
Passing years
Sometimes joy and sometimes tears
Don't look back, only ahead
Stay in the now
Embrace your time
It's short and fast, never to last
You're never alone
Pick yourself up and keep moving on
 You'll know when you get there
The place of rest
Until then just do your best
No one can judge you except God above
Throw out the pain and embrace the love
If you hang onto this you'll have the answer
Do you know your way
Can you remember the signs
Feelings and thoughts sometimes sublime
Passing days
Passing years
Sometimes joy and sometimes tears
In all of this one thing is true
If you let it, love will always guide you
It will show you the way
It will be your sign
Guiding your feelings and thoughts
Filling your days
Filling your years
In the joy and in the tears
Love is your way and love is your sign
Never give up and always be kind
I remember your words as I walk my days
Letting love guide my way
Glad you are here
That I'm not alone
Thank you for helping me find my way home.
(2015 © )


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