
The dawn burst across the sky
Blazing ribbons of beauty I see
Dew upon the grass and trees
Softly the mist hangs in the air
Casting off the tendrils of the night
Birds from their nest take flight

I walk towards the rising sun
Gentle breeze against my skin
The smell of earth and nature
Filling my senses and lungs
Fingertips brush the tall grass
Hope filling my heart at last

The dew wet upon my feet
Flowers dance in the wind
Swaying to Earth’s heartbeat
The heavy fragrance of life
Beauty swells, a crescendo
Bursting forth from the light

Raising my face to the sky
All the pain I know now why
To you my path has taken me
You, my other half of soul
The ache of lifetimes merge
A dream you were, now to hold

In the distance I see your form
Time slows within my sight
I watch in awe as you move
Blurred within the light
I hear the Earth move and sigh
At last my love, you at my side

Together slowly we move
Each to the other, one path
In the light, no darkness to see
Time bends and sways before us
Culmination of all we’ve known
Reaping dreams our hearts have sown

Power and strength in your stride
Gentle steps on Earth I bide
In one space we slowly merge
You caress my face, and I your heart
We two, the same, fixed in time
Whispering one word together, “Mine”


Pure Heart | Teruo Araya | Source


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