Wandering To You

The universe peeks in, Earth spins
Sun rises, falls and breaks free the moon
Life merges, each blending through
I stand still, listening, searching for you
Are you in the wind or in the rain
I feel your absence in my heart's pain
I look for you in the sunrise
And I pray for you at sunset
Hope beats hard within my chest
Dusty roads traveled, sometimes concrete
Always moving on, rarely to sleep
Are you in the homeless man
Or are you in the ivory towers
I look for you in winter's white coat
And in spring's flowers
I look for you in summer's stormy showers
And in fall's brisk winds and shedding leaves
Universe shows because it knows
The perfect timing it weaves
Are you in the ocean's waves
Or in the jungle caves
Waterfalls crashing into the rocks
Carving its path across in force
Just as this I will not alter my course
I freely fall into the abyss
To move by force as I wish
Step by step I move to you
Believing the way, the path I take
Must be filled with purpose and truth
Casting aside the follies of my youth
The flighty dreams and nonsensical whimsy
To hold fast and affirm adult truth learned
Much more to be had by merging of souls
Twining of strands, lifetimes unfold
Across the Earth, the roads I take
If I hold onto hope I know so true
My feet will one day wander to you


A Wandering Soul | Lauren Zurchin | Source


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