
Thinking it was ordinary, just another day
The wall flower, never knowing what to say
Behind the curtain, knowing how to hide
Breath taken, shaken, hit hard blindside
Hope and possibilities coaxed into a dream
A heart so full, love bleeding at the seams
Through the motions stumbling and bumbling
Chaotic mess, attempt at words so humbling
Everything was good while tucked in the dark
Never believing to experience passion's spark
Shaking away sticky cobwebs of long lost days
Arms thrown wide to embrace hope's warm rays
Dancing in delicious rhythm finding the rhyme 
All so new, fresh, no rush not bound by time
Heavy shadows rose and covered the skies
Whispering doubt and memories of painful lies
No arms to cover, to keep the darkness at bay
Only alone in the silence waiting, a heart flayed
No returning to what was, ignorance being bliss
Fearful things spoken, will always be such as this
In the grayness without warmth for far too long
No music heard, nothing to play a heart's song
Returning to the place comfortable and known 
Carrying sweet words spoken and deeply sown
Never knowing a touch but a presence to miss
Only a dream woken moments before love's kiss
Self-blame and fault lay the flower hopelessly bear
Knowledge of missed moments, a future to share
Tomorrow will come and the sun will always rise
Another love filled prayer raised towards the sky
Bowed once again against the dusty, faded wall
Hoping love will claim a heart before the last petal falls




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